Who Said What

“I find his experience and expertise impressive and that he’s qualified to testify as an expert on this issue.”


The Honorable Joan M. Azrack

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York

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GVI (Government of the Virgin Islands) did not demonstrate in the arbitration that the audit recapitulation performed by Dubinsky was inappropriate or unreliable. To the contrary, the GVI's random testing of Dubinsky's audit reconciliations in cross-examination demonstrated the reliability of Dubinsky's work product and opinions.”


The Honorable James T. Giles (Ret.)

Former Chief Judge, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

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My antennas were up,” says Sheila Amato, a schoolteacher who served on the jury, who remembers feeling that some of the defendants were guilty after Dubinsky’s presentation. “But at that point, I wasn’t sure if they all were.”

Sheila Amato, Juror- Criminal Trial USDC-SDNY– “The Madoff 5”

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“I have worked on a number of cases with Bruce, and he is one of the best forensic consultants with whom I have ever worked. His credentials and experience in business valuation, in particular, are peerless. Unlike some "name" experts, Bruce immerses himself in the record, and his analyses are unassailable. Based upon his input and analysis, we were able to disqualify a leading economic consultant who had proffered a business valuation report in a federal district court case. Bruce is first rate in every way.”

George Ruttinger, Esq.


Some Notable Cases


Mr. Dubinsky was the United States Department of Justice’s expert witness in the “Madoff 5” criminal trial, in which five of Bernard Madoff’s closest employees were convicted as a result of their involvement in the world’s largest Ponzi fraud. Mr. Dubinsky testified for multiple days unraveling the fraud and explaining the mechanics of the Ponzi to the jury.

Bruce also was retained as the testifying expert witness by the law firm of Baker & Hostetler LLP (“Baker”), counsel for Irving H. Picard, Trustee (“Trustee”) for the Substantively Consolidated SIPA Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (“BLMIS”) and Bernard L. Madoff (“Madoff”), to provide forensic accounting analysis and render certain expert opinions related to the Madoff Ponzi.

Offshore Tax Fraud

Bruce was hired by the United States Department of Justice as the testifying forensic accounting expert in the Samuel E. Wyly and Caroline D. Wyly bankruptcy cases in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court- N.D. Texas and testified regarding the alleged tax fraud involving an elaborate off-shore trust and corporate structure utilized by the Wyly’s for over twenty years to avoid paying federal income and gift taxes in the United States

Largest Criminal Tax Fraud in U.S. History

Bruce was hired by the United States Department of Justice as the testifying forensic accounting expert in the largest criminal tax fraud case in the history of the United States in the case against Robert F. Smith. Mr. Smith entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the government arising out of his admission of using an offshore tax scheme to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in income taxes.

Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy

Bruce was the one of the forensic accountants hired by the Special Examiner to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York to investigate the collapse of Lehman Brothers, one of the largest investment banks in the world.

Int’l Brotherhood to Teamsters

Hired by the court appointed Election Monitor as the forensic investigator on campaign finance fraud for the United States Department of Justice through appointment by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York from 1995-2016 International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Union Delegate and Officer Election.

Patent Licensing Breach of Contract

Hired as a testifying damages expert for the defense in a case with nearly $1 billion dollars of alleged damages for an alleged patent licensing breach of contract case involving hard disk drive spindle motors and related hard disk drive component products.


Hired by defense counsel to provide expert testimony in a case brought by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission against lawyers in the Enron General Counsel’s office as a result of their involvement in the Enron Fraud.